Alresford Primary School

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Ford Lane, Colchester, Essex CO7 8AU

01206 822731

Alresford Primary School

Be Kind, Be Honest, Be Responsible

  1. Curriculum
  2. Religious Education

Religious Education

Meet our RE co-ordinator, Ms Warnes.

RE at Alresford:

RE must be provided for all registered pupils in full time education except those withdrawn at their parents’ request.

Each school must teach Religious Education according to the locally agreed syllabus. In our school, Religious Education must be taught in accordance with the new Essex Agreed Syllabus introduced by SACRE in September 2022.

Through the teaching of RE at Alresford we aspire that children will be able to develop awareness and appreciation of world religions and views so that they can shape their own beliefs in a well-informed way, without judgement or criticism of others’ beliefs.

RE Subject Intent and Vision:

RE Policy:

RE Learning around us:

In Years 1 and 2, children have thought carefully about different religious beliefs and special symbols. They have related this learning to special festivals which are celebrated. These include Diwali, Christmas and Easter.

 Below, we have pictures of Year 2's Diva lamps they made as part of Diwali celebrations.

Year 4 have been learning about Christianity in our local area and how the church supports the community. They even had a school visit from the reverend, who answered questions about the church's role.

RE Curriculum and Core Knowledge Map:

RE Curriculum Vocabulary:




In Year 5, children have learnt about what Christians believe about Jesus and the sacrifices he made for human kind. They also recreated the Easter story through drama and discussed his ressurrection.

They then compared Christian beliefs to those of Buddhists, Sikhs, Muslims, Hindus and Humanists about what happens after death. They thought in a philosophical way to consider all views before sharing their own opinions.