Alresford Primary School

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Alresford Primary School

Be Kind, Be Honest, Be Responsible

  1. Parents Information
  2. Healthy Schools

Alresford Primary is proud to be a Healthy School.

A healthy school is one that promotes physical, social, emotional and mental health and helps equip pupils, staff and families with the skills and attitudes to make informed decisions about their health. 

We recognise that the health and well-being of children is not only vital to their growth and development but contributes to their long term success and achievements. Our school recognises that it has a significant role to play in ensuring that our pupils get the best life chances. 

We use a whole school approach to promote the overall health and wellbeing of our pupils, families and staff, and these healthy principles are interwoven throughout our curriculum.  Our aim is to improve children's health, wellbeing and happiness, helping them to get the most out of life.

The healthy Schools program focuses on four main themes:

  • Personal, Social and Health Education
  • Healthy Eating
  • Physical Activity
  • Emotional Health and Wellbeing

The whole school approach involves working with children, parents, school staff and the whole school community to provide a solid foundation from which developments and improvements are embedded in a systematic way.
We will keep you posted on forthcoming events and information.
For further information please access the Healthy Schools Website: 

Alresford Primary is proud to be a Healthy School.

A healthy school is one that promotes physical, social, emotional and mental health and helps equip pupils, staff and families with the skills and attitudes to make informed decisions about their health.

The whole school approach involves working with children, parents, school staff and the whole school community.  Our aim is to improve children's health, wellbeing and happiness, helping them to get the most out of life.

Healthy schools runs alongside our PSHE curriculum and includes-

  • Behaviour
  • Safety
  • Emotional health and well-being
  • Physical activity
  • Food and nutrition
  • Giving children a voice

For further information, please see our Healthy Schools section on our curriculum part of the website. 


Useful Healthy Minds Websites:

Below is a link to a new Government website Every Mind Matters.  There are resources and advice for parents and carers in relation to children mental health needs and support.

Healthy Snacks

KS1 children have access to free fruit (KS2 can also access this if they want to).  All children are able to bring in a snack from home.  If the snack has a traffic light system on it then we ask that no red snacks are brought in.  If it has green and amber then they are ok.  If it doesn't have a traffic light colour system on it then you can use the table below to work out if it is low or medium.  If you are still unsure then stick to the rule of no crisps, chocolate, sweets or cake.  These can be in the children's lunchboxes as part of a balanced diet.  Please remember NO NUTS!

Five ways to wellbeing at Alresford Primary School

Looking after our mental health is so important. 

The five ways to wellbeing are simple things to do each day that can help us feel happier and more positive.

We have 3 wellbeing days each year.  We focus on

the five ways of wellbeing and link out activities to these areas.

To find out more take a look at the information below!

There are lots of ideas you could try at home as a family.

Wellbeing Wednesday

Year 4- Taking Notice Sculptures

Year 2- Heart cards to give to someone special

Wellbeing Wednesday

Year 2- Connecting and worry Monsters

Year 5- 5 ways to wellbeing display


At Alresford Primary School we are part of an exciting behaviour-change initiative to encourage more children and their families to walk to school. WOW – the walk to school challenge is delivered by Living Streets, the UK charity for everyday walking, to help as many children as possible experience the benefits of walking to school.

The pupil-led challenge sees children self-report how they get to school every day. If they travel sustainably at least once a week for a month, they get rewarded with a badge. It's that simple!

For further Information take a look below

or email Mrs Tunmore

Wellbeing Activities to try at home