World Book Day 2024
Buddy Groups
We had buddy groups on World Book Day. The children made a story-teller (like a fortune teller, but for telling stories!)
Elephants - Reception
Reception enjoyed reading lots and lots of stories for World Book Day. We also talked about our favourite characters in stories and we drew different characters.
We wrote about our fantastic costumes.
In PE we pretended to be different characters from our favourite stories.
We also enjoyed playing - 'Guess the Story.'
Meerkats - Year 1
Penguins - Year 2
We had a chance to look for new books in the library for our class book corner.
We shared our own book characters and the books they belonged to.
We focused on the author, D. King-Smith who wrote our latest class book called ‘The Hodgeheg’. We listened to an interview with him and found out about his life and some of the hundreds of books he had written. We discovered most of his books are about animals. We read a fact file about him and explored our school books written by D. King-Smith. We have picked a story for our next class book written by him and will have a special box of books written by him in our book corner.
Bees - Year 3
We enjoyed sharing and reading a stories with children from Year 1.
We loved watching the beginning of Charlotte’s Web but had to stop where Mrs Williams had read up to, so now we can’t wait to hear the next part of the story!
We looked at some inspiration reading quotes and made our own to decorate our reading corner to inspire others to read.
Koalas - Year 4
Some of us brought our favourite books in from home and we had an extra book club where we shared our favourite books and made recommendations to each other about what we should read next.
We then got to work designing our new class book display. For this we designed covers for our favourite books and wrote a little review to help anybody who’s not sure what to read next.
We had a chance to look for new books in the library and updated our class book corner.
Sun Bears - Year 5a
Red Pandas - Year 5b
Lions - Year 6
We had a special 'World Book Day' themed menu.
If there was a star underneath your lunch tray you won a book prize.