Our School Governors
Governors come from all walks of life but share a common interest - Alresford Primary School.
The governors are responsible for effective strategic management of the school, for the school budget, and for Health & Safety. They help to set and monitor the school philosophy and policies, which is accomplished through meeting each half-term. Governors do not make day to day decisions about the running of the school - this is the role of the Headteacher, supported by the staff.
The Governing Body is made up of representatives of the staff, parents, Local Authority and the community. All are volunteers who give up their time freely to ensure the school is managed effectively and to the benefit of the children.
The Governing Body of Alresford Primary School does not have committees.
Associate members do not have voting rights.
All terms of office are 4 years from date of appointment.
(Appointments to posts of Chair and Vice-Chair are bi-annual).
Meet our Governing Body
See below how our Governing body is made up as well as attendance at meetings.